101 години от рождението на Ваклуш Толев ще бъдат отбелязани на 7 януари в Пловдив със специална 102-ра прожекция на станалия вече знаков документален филм „Ваклуш“. С нея режисьорът Николай Василев иска да почете духовния учител и кани всички, които още не са гледали филма в Пловдив, да го направят от 16:00 ч. в Lucky Дом на киното. Като жест към публиката домакините предоставят свободен вход за прожекцията.


 През 2023 филмът „Ваклуш“ събра най-много зрители в документалната секция на „София филм фест" и се нареди на второ място за най-гледани документални филми на десетилетието в класацията на Националния филмов център. Пред него остава само филмът-портрет за юриста Кристиан Таков „Моралът е доброто”.


Лентата е снимана повече от 20 години и съдържа уникални архивни кадри от живота и просветителската дейност на една най-енигматичните личности на България.


Наричан от мнозина Учителя на Мъдростта, Ваклуш е богослов по образование, лектор и автор на множество трудове с културно-историческа и религиозно-философска тематика. Преминал през затворите и лагерите на комунизма, той твърди, че няма страдание, а има развитие. Крилата негова фраза е „Няма зло има нееволюирало добро”. Преследван от репресивния апарат на Държавна сигурност като „враг на народа“, по-късно той внася предложение в ООН в Хартата за правата на човека да се добави нова клауза за Защита Правата на Душата. Пледира в социално гражданските взаимоотношения да се наложи мораториум върху употребата на токсичната дума враг, а от религиозните практики да се премахне проклятието с отлъчване, наречено анатемата. „Неговите идеи, изпреварват времето си и според мен те ще променят света”, казва режисьора. “Идеята за защита на душата изпреварва с десетилетия, това което сега наричаме език на омразата и срещу който целия свят започва да си дава сметка че трябва да имаме отговорност за това как използваме думите, особено тези които нараняват”, допълва Василев.


След промените в България е поканен да преподава в Пловдивския и Софийски университет. Там в лекциите си по историята на религиите и духовното знание често напомня надписа на делфийския храм „Познай себе си и ще познаеш боговете и света“. Той самият преживява това познание и формулира свое учение, което нарича „Път на Мъдростта“, в което очертава нови тенденции за човека на Третото хилядолетие.


Цялата изминала година беше под знака на 100 годишния юбилей и по този повод бяха преиздадени някои от най-популярните му трудове като: тритомникът „История и теория на религиите” и „Езотерични школи и мистични учения”. През декември в Пловдив беше представена и книгата „Седемте Лъча на еволюцията”, която е един нов поглед върху мистичното познание на планетата. В края на миналата година в Зала България, Софийската филхармония под диригентството на Росен Миланов изпълниха концерт на Симфония 9 на Густав Малер, който беше посветен на юбилея на Ваклуш Толев.



  • Comment Link Aluminium reprocessing Aluminium reprocessing Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Benefits and Key Considerations

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a crucial role in the global effort to foster a sustainable future. Aluminum, known for its versatile properties and extensive usage in various industries, has a high recycling potential due to its infinite recyclability. This process substantially reduces the need for primary aluminum production, conserving valuable resources and minimizing environmental impacts associated with mining and energy-intensive extraction processes. Aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, processing, and transforming discarded aluminum materials into reusable products. Aluminum scrap can be categorized into different types, such as post-consumer scrap from beverage cans, building materials, automotive parts, and industrial waste. The scrap is collected from various sources like manufacturing plants, construction sites, scrapyards, and recycling centers. The recycling of aluminum scrap offers numerous benefits. Firstly, it significantly reduces energy consumption compared to primary aluminum production. Recycling aluminum requires only around 5% of the energy needed for primary aluminum production. This energy savings not only conserves valuable resources but also helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change. Additionally, recycling aluminum saves up to 95% of water usage associated with primary production, making it a sustainable alternative. Moreover, aluminum scrap recycling has positive economic impacts. The demand for recycled aluminum continues to increase due to its lower cost compared to primary aluminum. This creates a profitable market for aluminum scrap, attracting both small and large-scale recyclers. The market value of aluminum scrap is determined by various factors, including the quality and purity of the scrap, market demand, and current metal prices. The prices for aluminum scrap fluctuate depending on market conditions, making it important for recyclers to stay updated on the latest prices to maximize their profits. It is worth mentioning that not all scrap aluminum is created equal. Different aluminum alloys have varying economic values. Aluminum alloys with high-demand properties, such as aircraft-grade aluminum, can fetch higher prices compared to lower-grade alloys. Clean and uncontaminated scrap aluminum usually commands a higher price as it requires minimal processing and sorting efforts. However, even contaminated aluminum scrap can be processed and recycled; although it may require additional treatment to remove impurities, which can affect the overall value. For those looking to venture into aluminum scrap recycling, setting up an aluminum scrap yard is a crucial step. An aluminum scrap yard serves as a collection point for aluminum scrap, where it can be sorted, processed, and prepared for recycling. The yard should be equipped with the necessary machinery and equipment, such as balers, shredders, and sorting systems, to efficiently handle and process the scrap. Additionally, effective inventory management and close monitoring of market prices are vital to optimize profitability in the aluminum scrap recycling business. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling offers significant environmental and economic benefits. By embracing aluminum scrap recycling, we can conserve valuable resources, reduce energy consumption, minimize greenhouse gas emissions, and create a sustainable future. As the demand for recycled aluminum continues to grow, understanding the aluminum scrap market dynamics and staying informed about scrap metal prices will ensure successful and profitable recycling operations

  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap grade classification Aluminum scrap grade classification Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: A Sustainable Solution with Economic Benefits

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a significant role in reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting a circular economy. As the need for sustainable practices becomes more prominent, the demand for scrap aluminum recycling continues to grow. In this article, we will delve into the importance of aluminum scrap recycling, the benefits it offers, and shed light on the factors influencing aluminum scrap prices. Aluminum is a versatile metal that enjoys widespread applications across various industries. However, its production process can be energy-intensive and harsh on the environment. This is where aluminum scrap recycling comes into play. By collecting and recycling scrap aluminum, we can conserve energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and minimize the need for primary aluminum production. One of the major benefits of aluminum scrap recycling is the reduction in mining activities. Aluminum is extracted from bauxite ore, which involves extensive mining operations, causing deforestation and habitat destruction. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can alleviate the environmental impact associated with mining. In addition to environmental benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also has economic advantages. The recycling industry creates jobs and contributes to local economies. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum scrap, can fluctuate based on market conditions, but they generally provide economic incentives for individuals and businesses to participate in the recycling process. When it comes to aluminum scrap prices, various factors come into play. The quality of the scrap, its cleanliness, alloy composition, and market demand all influence the price. Clean aluminum scrap, free from impurities such as dirt or coatings, generally commands a higher price due to the ease of processing and recycling. Similarly, aluminum alloy scrap, with its higher intrinsic value, tends to yield better prices compared to non-alloy scrap. To get the best value for your scrap aluminum, it's important to find a reliable aluminum scrap yard. These facilities specialize in scrap metal recycling and offer a fair price based on current market conditions. Working with a reputable yard ensures that your scrap is handled properly, reducing the chances of contamination and maximizing its recycling potential. Government policies and regulations also impact the aluminum scrap recycling industry. Governments around the world are increasingly recognizing the importance of recycling and implementing measures to support the industry. These measures can include tax incentives for recyclers and stricter regulations on waste disposal. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial component of sustainable resource management. By recycling aluminum scrap, we reduce the environmental impact of primary aluminum production, conserve resources, and promote a circular economy. The economics of aluminum scrap recycling are also favorable, with scrap metal recycling prices providing incentives for individuals and businesses. By understanding the factors influencing aluminum scrap prices and working with reputable aluminum scrap yards, we can unlock the full potential of aluminum scrap recycling and contribute to a greener future

  • Comment Link Aluminium scrap melting processes Aluminium scrap melting processes Фев 10, 2024

    Aluminum Scrap Recycling: Helping the Environment and Your Pocket

    Aluminum scrap recycling plays a vital role in our efforts towards a greener, more sustainable future. As a high-value metal, aluminum is widely used in various industries, including construction, automotive, aerospace, and packaging. However, the production and extraction of primary aluminum can be costly and environmentally detrimental. This is where aluminum scrap recycling comes into play. Aluminum scrap recycling involves collecting, sorting, processing, and melting aluminum waste, transforming it into reusable metal. Not only does this process save energy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but it also helps conserve valuable natural resources. Recycling aluminum scrap requires significantly less energy (up to 95%) than producing aluminum from virgin materials. In fact, aluminum can be recycled indefinitely without any loss in quality. One of the primary advantages of aluminum scrap recycling is the economic benefits it offers. The aluminum scrap price varies depending on factors such as the type of scrap, its condition, and the current market demand. However, generally speaking, scrap aluminum recycling can be a lucrative endeavor for both individuals and businesses. Scrap metal recycling prices, including aluminum, are influenced by global market factors and can fluctuate over time. In addition to economic benefits, aluminum scrap recycling also helps create a sustainable supply chain for the aluminum industry. By recycling scrap aluminum, manufacturers can reduce their dependence on primary aluminum production, which requires mining and extraction of bauxite ore. This not only minimizes the impact on natural resources but also reduces the carbon footprint associated with primary aluminum production. To facilitate the aluminum scrap recycling process, many countries have established aluminum scrap yards, where individuals, businesses, and industries can deliver their scrap metal for proper sorting and recycling. These yards ensure that aluminum scrap is processed correctly, separating different alloys for efficient recycling. Aluminum alloys, such as 6061 or 7075, can also be recycled, further adding to the environmental and economic benefits of scrap aluminum recycling. Clean aluminum scrap, such as cans, extrusions, or sheet metal, fetches higher prices compared to contaminated or mixed materials. It is important to ensure that aluminum scrap is free from impurities like paint, plastic, or other metals to maintain its value. Clean aluminum scrap price can be influenced by factors such as market demand, purity level, and quantity. In conclusion, aluminum scrap recycling is an essential practice that contributes to both environmental sustainability and economic growth. With its energy-saving potential, reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, and conservation of natural resources, aluminum scrap recycling is a crucial part of the circular economy. By recycling aluminum scrap, we can minimize the need for primary aluminum production, reduce waste, and create a more sustainable future for generations to come

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminum buyers Scrap aluminum buyers Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminum scrap repurposing Aluminum scrap repurposing Фев 05, 2024

    Buy today, save tomorrow

  • Comment Link Scrap aluminium yard management Scrap aluminium yard management Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium recycling industry trends Aluminium recycling industry trends Фев 05, 2024


  • Comment Link Aluminium Scrap Yard Aluminium Scrap Yard Ян 26, 2024

    Thanks for sharing!

  • Comment Link Aluminium Scrap Yard Aluminium Scrap Yard Ян 26, 2024

    I come in peace!

  • Comment Link Aluminium ScrapYard Aluminium ScrapYard Ян 25, 2024


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